Sunday in Bergedorf - 29th August 2004

See also: Tuesday in Berne    Wednesday in Ahrensburg    Thursday in Stade    Friday in Hamburg    British Day    Sunday in Bergedorf    Monday in Blankenese

Our second day with the full team in Hamburg started peacefully...

Then we met up at Berne station and, after a change of train, we were at Berliner Tor ...

... waiting for a train to Bergedorf

and here it comes

Tanja and Andrea demonstrate a new dance - but some were worried about them taking up pole dancing

Out into the sunshine at Bergedorf, we straggle through the town

via a playground for kids - small

and large

to the Schloss where there's a mediaeval market today

complete with mediaeval rock music

mediaeval food

of various kinds

mediaeval basket making

and entertainment for all

including dancing

It's peaceful behind the castle, where there are a few more stalls including the smithy

Margaret and David find some peace by the lake

as do Rosie and Bridget in their newly acquired headgear

Helmut is keen to show off his pictures...

... then gets caught himself!

Then we're heading home, a final glance back at the fair.

Back in Berne we are given tea in the Volkshaus. Andrea tries on Bridget's headdress - she decided not to buy her own.

Then Helmut gave a slide show of his pictures from British Day

attracting a big crowd

Social dances followed, in German ...

and English

The evening concluded with the mandatory rendition of Rolling Home before we said our goodbyes and rolled home quietly (no noise after 11pm).

See also: Tuesday in Berne    Wednesday in Ahrensburg    Thursday in Stade    Friday in Hamburg    British Day    Sunday in Bergedorf    Monday in Blankenese